NOTE: This is only a beta release! It's incomplete! If you have any questions, comments, hate mail, or fan mail, please send it to: "SeanyDutes" on the compass Rose or Computer Odessy or America On Line. Or my real adress is:
1207 Purdue Dr.
Davis, CA
This is a two player arcade style game. Each player has a beam which is constantly growing, and you control in which direction it goes. The object is to get your opponent to crash into your or his own beam.
Player 1 (the blue beam) uses these controls on the keypad (which is on the right side of the keyboard):
4 to go left,
6 to go right,
5 to go down, and
8 to go up.
Player 2 (the green beam) uses these keys to control his beam:
S to go left,
F to go right,
D to go down, and
E to go up.
You can set the speed at which your beams travel at the beginning of the game. 100 points are awarded to the winner of each round (the player who DIDN"T crash).
Here are some rules:
* If you go off the screen, you die.
* if you go back on yourself (i.e. you're going left, and you press a key to go right), you die.
* If you crash into either your own or your opponent's beam you die.
*** To quit the game at any time, click the mouse in the game window ***
Once you've played a couple times, you'll get the hang of it!